Spiritual Exercises
Below are blog posts which contain ideas for exercises you can do to help grow in your relationship with God

Observing Palm Sunday
This Sunday, Christ followers all over the world will be celebrating Palm Sunday. It is one of the many great celebrations on the church calendar.

Observing Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday is the day Christians around the world celebrate as Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning point of the season of Lent. But what

Benedictions of Blessing; Doxologies of Praise
I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio and attended Mahoning United Methodist Church. My Mom and Dad sang in the choir, Mom assisted as church treasurer

A Spiritual Wellness Exam – Part 2
Are you self aware? Sometimes I am but I know at times I am not and I can definitely develop blind spots. Self-awareness is a popular concept in mental health. Dictionary.com defines

A Spiritual Wellness Exam
If we want to maintain our health, it is important to include regular wellness examinations. These exams are more proactive in nature and a physician

Resolutions for the Soul
Its that time of year again. New Years Resolutions! Have you made any yet? Common resolutions that tend to come out this time of year

The Discipline of Gratitude
Doesn’t the title of this post seem strange? Is it really necessary to categorize gratitude as a discipline? Shouldn’t gratitude be a natural, heartfelt response

The Value of Rest Stops
Are we there yet? Have you ever been on a trip and heard that phrase uttered? Maybe you expressed it yourself! Or how about this

Entering the Retreat House – Part 4
This is the final installment of this series on Entering the Retreat House. So far we have described the various aspects of the Retreat House.

Entering the Retreat House – Part 3
Frozen pizza or fresh baked? Nothing wrong with a good frozen pizza especially as you walk through the grocery store late at night and you

Entering the Retreat House – Part 2
Do you like to receive a gift? I don’t know about you, but I can feel my pulse speed up a little when I see

Entering the Retreat House – Part 1
In a previous post, we explored the discipline of retreat as an important way to learn to live like Jesus. If you are like me, you might