Invitation to Rest

Spiritual Direction

Offering a safe place to unpack your life in God’s presence

Are You Longing For Something More?

Have you ever wondered; “there has to be more to life than this?” Life can be so challenging.  We live in such a fast-paced world that we have little time to stop and reflect on our lives and our relationship with God.  Spiritual Direction provides this kind of place where you can “be still and know God”.

“In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.”  John 1:4

“If there is a single factor that makes spiritual direction effective as a change agency for the soul, it is this: spiritual direction holds our shame at bay long enough for us to see ourselves as God sees us in Christ.”   Gary Moon

Spiritual Direction is a sacred place where one brings all of themselves into the presence of God accompanied by a director or companion with “holy listening” to help the individual to seek God in the midst of their lives..

Spiritual Direction is not counseling which focuses more on mental health and relationships and where diagnosis, goals and treatment plans are created.   

When you meet with me, I will offer you time just to be.  You will have a safe place to unpack your life in God’s presence. I will not try to fix you but will listen deeply, ask questions as needed to help you open up more of your life before our Heavenly Father.  The goal is to help you move more closely to God and to see what obstacles, wounds, or attachments that might be in the way that keep you from experiencing the life that God has for you.

We will be begin our time with a brief moment of welcoming each other and then will take a moment of silence to let your heart and mind settle into this space of  being in God’s presence.  I will typically ask two main questions:

  • How have you been experiencing God since the last time we have been together?
  • What is bothering you?  With a follow up at some point of : Why do you think that bothers you so much?
There will be other questions as the Spirit leads but these two questions are invitations from God to talk about your relationship with Him and the brokenness of life that can keep you from experiencing His presence more fully.

A typical session is 45-50 minutes.  

Initial introductory 30 minute session is free.  Each session after that is $75.  

If you are interested but cannot afford this fee, we can discuss a sliding scale option.

Next Steps

If you are interested in learning more about Spiritual Direction, click the button below to contact me. We can set up a free 30 minute introductory call to talk about what you are looking for and if Spiritual Direction is right for you.  Spiritual direction sessions can be conducted via Zoom or in-person.

Information for Spiritual Direction