In his book, Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas makes the observation that “marriage is more about holiness, not happiness”. He did not meant we cannot experience happiness in marriage! However, marriages often struggle when happiness is the goal. When happiness is the goal, we tend to expect our mate to meet our needs. However, the needs we expect them to meet are ones only God can meet. If holiness is our goal as we go through marriage, we let our Heavenly Father meet our needs and then we are moved to love and meet our spouses’s needs.
This page shows blogs that are marriage related and how marriage is a place for spiritual formation.

Protecting Your Marriage During Coronavirus
Recently there was a headline in the Daily Mail which stated: “Divorce rate spikes across China after ‘couples spend too much time together during coronavirus

Marriage and the Power of Mourning
The Rest of the Story was a popular radio broadcast by the legendary Paul Harvey from 1976-2009. Paul Harvey would tell a story about a

Marriage: The School of Spiritual Formation
Would you like to grow in your relationship with God? What if I told you about a course of study you could take that would

From Blame to Blessing
Fred and Wilma are discouraged. It seems like they can’t talk about anything lately without getting into an argument. Though the topics can be different,