Invitation to Rest

Invitation to Rest

Living Life from the Inside Out

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A Rule of Life

Happy New Year! Have you ever set some resolutions as you start a new year, only to have them fizzle out by February?  I know

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Enjoy the Moment

Have you ever had your plans change?  Have you looked forward to something only for that event to be changed or cancelled?  How about travel

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Who Am I?

Who am I? This is a question that human beings have been seeking answers to from the very beginning.  Actually, in the beginning while in

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Wendy and I love Thanksgiving. We intentionally hold off decorating for Christmas so we make sure we don’t miss this season.  We put up some

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Festooning the Lord’s Prayer

The holiday season is well underway. As I drive around town,  decorating for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas season is evident at homes, store fronts

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Living Out The Good News

In a previous blog, we talked about how Jesus described the Gospel as the Kingdom of God having come. We are invited to make a turn

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