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An Invitation into Holiness
When you think of the word holiness, what is the next word that comes to mind?…. For much of my life, when I heard the

Observing Palm Sunday
This Sunday, Christ followers all over the world will be celebrating Palm Sunday. It is one of the many great celebrations on the church calendar.

Observing Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday is the day Christians around the world celebrate as Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning point of the season of Lent. But what

Submitting to God’s Strainer
I am now beginning my third week long spiritual retreat with the Renovare Institute. One of the exercises we begin our retreat with is called

Benedictions of Blessing; Doxologies of Praise
I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio and attended Mahoning United Methodist Church. My Mom and Dad sang in the choir, Mom assisted as church treasurer

A Spiritual Wellness Exam – Part 2
Are you self aware? Sometimes I am but I know at times I am not and I can definitely develop blind spots. Self-awareness is a popular concept in mental health. defines