A Holy Life
A live of holiness gives us an opportunity to reflect the love of God in our daily lives. Holiness can come with a lot of baggage. For example, if I walked down a hallway and saw a door marked holiness, I probably would hesitate to open it not really understanding what was behind the door. Or back when I was single, if someone wanted to set me up on a date and described the young lady as “holy” would I want to go out with her?
In the posts below, let’s explore what living a life of holiness is like. As we work through this together, I hope you will find it is a life worth living. It is an invitation from Jesus to live like Him.

An Invitation into Holiness
When you think of the word holiness, what is the next word that comes to mind?…. For much of my life, when I heard the

Submitting to God’s Strainer
I am now beginning my third week long spiritual retreat with the Renovare Institute. One of the exercises we begin our retreat with is called