Invitation to Rest

A Prayerful Spiritual Wellness Exam

A Prayerful Spiritual Wellness Exam

Date:  Saturday, April 27, 2024    9:00AM – Noon Central Time

REGISTRATION DEADLINES:  Thursday, April 25, 2024

If we want to maintain our physical health, it is important to include regular wellness examinations.  These exams are more proactive in nature and a physician can help us make healthy choices as well as mitigate any risk factors.

What about our spiritual health? Is there a wellness exam we can participate in where we are more proactive in growing spiritually and allowing the Great Physician to guide us toward a place of spiritual wellness and wholeness?

This retreat will focus on the practice of the Prayer of  Examen. This was first developed by Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century. It is a beautiful way to bring our lives to the Great Physician and Healer and to get a checkup for our souls. 

When we go for a wellness exam, there are various questions, assessments, and review done in order for the physician to guide our journey and to diagnose any issues which need attention. The Examen is similar, there are steps involved, some of which help us in our journey in spiritual wellness and others that God can use to point out some issues that need attention that are blocking our wellness.

This retreat will include a time of quiet worship, times of short teaching, some group interaction and plenty of time for quiet reflection and to experience this prayerful exam.

Location: ZOOM

Cost: $20 per person

A copy of the retreat handout will be emailed to you a couple of days before the event.

Registration Details:

Countdown to Retreat!
